Three Common Concealed Carry Mistakes

New to the world of concealed carry? The good news is, that you’ve just landed at the right spot.

In this blog, we will talk about not only the mistakes that will help you save time and money, but mistakes that can help you save your freedom and, maybe, your life.

So, let’s dive right into it. Make sure you are avoiding these three concealed carry mistakes that can have some serious consequences:

Not using the right holster

Whether you are carrying a handgun in a purse or pocket, a holster is mandatory.

A right holster will:

  • Keep your firearm securely in place, preventing accidental drops or loss.
  • Protect the trigger, reducing the risk of accidental discharges
  • Keep the firearm easily accessible and correctly oriented

Each of these three lost advantages of NOT using the right holster can cause serious injury or death for you or someone else.

You might recall, NFL star Plaxico Burress, if you still remember what he had to go through you’d know that he had to face all three consequences of not using a holster. As his gun fell from his waistband (loss of security), he instantly reached for it as it slid down his right leg pant (loss of orientation), and accidentally shot himself in the leg during the process (loss of protection of the trigger).

You are likely to hear hundreds and thousands of similar stories of people who accidentally shot themselves while reaching for an unholstered gun in a pocket, purse, or waistband. This is why it is highly crucial to use a holster.

Carrying the gun with an empty chamber

It might sound like a wise idea, but it’s actually the opposite.

In a self-defense encounter, you won’t have time to perform any extra tasks on your firearm, and you may not have an extra hand to do so either.

And with adrenaline rushing in, you don’t want to fumble around trying to load your handgun.

It is recommended by experts always to keep your pistol chambered and holstered.

Having limited or no training in conflict avoidance and situational awareness

A lot of people fall into this trap of thinking that a gun is a magical tool that will get them out of all problems, and they mostly only focus on firearms training. One of the best ways to never get into a violent encounter is to detect it in advance and avoid it.

That’s easier said than done. Especially, if someone lives their life in condition white they are easy to become a victim despite being armed.

Cooper’s Color code. You might have heard of it. It’s a simple system for situational awareness. And according to which you are likely to fall under four escalating levels of awareness:

  1. White
  2. Yellow
  3. Orange, and
  4. Red

Preparing mentally is just as essential as preparing physically. Try to spend time to think what you’d do if you were:

  • Stuck in an armed robbery at a departmental store
  • Approached by muggers on the street
  • Caught in a shooter scenario at a public place
  • Victim of a carjacking attempt

Each of these mistakes can cost you your or someone’s life – no matter how experienced you are.

As a concealed carry permit holder, it’s your responsibility to prioritize safety and preparedness. Avoiding these three critical mistakes—using the right holster, keeping your pistol chambered, and focusing on conflict avoidance and situational awareness—can make all the difference in ensuring your own safety and the safety of others.

Invest time in proper training and education, and always stay vigilant. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to handle any potential threats and ensure a safer environment for yourself and your community. Stay safe and carry responsibly.

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